
All manifests are JSON.

Artifact Manifest

When a Layer artifact is created, the artifact builder also creates a manifest file that describes what that artifact contains.

  • ProjectName : Name of the project.
  • ArtifactS3Key : S3 key in the regional artifacts bucket that contains the artifact.
  • Runtimes : List of Lambda runtimes that are compatible with this artifact.
  • Requirements : List of requirements strings as they were requested.
  • Installed : List of package version structures for each package that was actually installed.
    • Name : Name of package.
    • Version : Version of package.
    "ProjectName": "example layer",
    "ArtifactS3Key": "accretion/artifacts/exampleLayer/",
    "Requirements": [
    "Installed": [
            "Name": "asn1crypto",
            "Version": "0.24.0"
            "Name": "certifi",
            "Version": "2019.3.9"
            "Name": "cffi",
            "Version": "1.12.3"
            "Name": "chardet",
            "Version": "3.0.4"
            "Name": "cryptography",
            "Version": "2.6.1"
            "Name": "idna",
            "Version": "2.8"
            "Name": "pycparser",
            "Version": "2.19"
            "Name": "requests",
            "Version": "2.21.0"
            "Name": "six",
            "Version": "1.12.0"
            "Name": "urllib3",
            "Version": "1.24.2"
    "Runtimes": [

Layer Manifest

When a Layer version is created, the layer builder creates a manifest file that describes that Layer.

  • LayerArn : Layer Amazon Resource Name (Arn).
  • LayerVersion : Layer version that was created.
  • ArtifactManifest : Structure identifying location of artifact manifest.
    • S3Bucket : S3 regional artifacts bucket name.
    • S3Key : S3 key in the regional artifacts bucket that contains the artifact manifest.
    "Layer": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:states:region:account-id:stateMachine:stateMachineName",
        "Version": 3
    "ArtifactManifest": {
        "S3Bucket": "accretion-regional-bucket",
        "S3Key": "accretion/manifests/exampleLayer/4b14d8bf-61ff-4514-9f9a-ebb59dba08fe.manifest"